Kunyho kft

épitésziroda kft

Klauzal Teri Piac

  • Market Hall reconstruction – Budapest, Magyarország

One of the buildings in 1897 built, capital market hall series stand on the square Klauzál. The aim of the projekt was this building complete reconstruction to a market and a modern community centre.

Commissioner: ERVA ZRT.

1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 12.

Total Floorspace 7000 m2
Date of project: 2015

Administration of National Pension Insurance

  • Administration of National Pension Insurance, Budapest and Pest County restoration project – Budapest, VIII., Fiumei Road 19/a.
Commissioner: Kreativ 2000 Kft. – 1024 Retek Street 26.
Total Floorspace: 33.000 m2
Date of project: 2002-2004
Total budget: 6.000 millió HUF
Architects Nyíri Péter, Kun Zoltán
Interior designer: Görgényi Judit



Central Administration of Water and Environmental Affairs

  • Central Administration of Water and Environmental Affairs restoration project
    1012 Budapest, Márvány Street 1/c.

Ten story building was restored into a modern office building.


Országos Vízügyi Igazgatóság

Date of Project: 1800 m2
Total Floorspace: 2003/2004

Hajógyári Island building No.136

  • Hajógyári Island building No. 136

Budapest, III. district, Hajógyári Island

The building was constructed in 1895 by Varga Ignac, as a tram central and a boiler room. The protected building was restored to give space for offices and shops.

Commissioner: Hajógyári sziget Kft.
Floorspace: 850 m2
Date of Project: 2000

Hajógyári Island Building No. 307

  • Hajógyári Island Building No.307
    Budapest, III. district

The building was constructed in 1920 by V. Leinner Osztrak to serve as a power station. The protected building was restored and converted into modern offices for rent.


Hajógyári Sziget Vagyonkezelő Kft.

1033 Budapest Hajógyári sziget 117.

Total Floorspace: 2522 m2
Date of Project: 2001

Dörgicse holiday house

  • Dörgicse holiday house

Dörgicse, Hungary

The thatched roof summer house was build nearby an ancient historical chapel at Dörgicse.

Total Floorspace: 150 m2
Date of Project: 2000

BILLA shopping center

  • BILLA shopping center

Mozdony Street, Cegléd, Hungary

The shopping center’s unique element is the cemented wooden frame.


Billa Kereskedelmi Kft.

Total Floorspace: 1500 m2
Date of Project: 1999

FOR BABY wholesale store

  • FOR BABY wholesale store

Budakeszi, Szőlőskert Street


For Baby Kft.

Total Floorspace: 500 m2
Date of Project: 1996