Kunyho kft

épitésziroda kft


Klauzal Teri Piac

Market Hall reconstruction – Budapest, Magyarország One of the buildings in 1897 built, capital market hall series stand on the square Klauzál. The aim of the projekt was this building complete reconstruction to a market and a modern community centre. Commissioner: ERVA ZRT. 1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 12. Total Floorspace 7000 m2 Date of project: 2015

ELTE ÁJK facade restoration

Budapest, V. Egyetem square 1-3.

Apartment building 2

Budapest, III. Héthalom Street – Pusztakúti út

Apartment building

Budapest, XIII. Gömb Street 38. és 40.

shopping center and TESCO store

Tahitótfalu, Szentendrei Street

ELTE restoration

Budapest, VIII. Puskin Street. 9.

Pacsirta villa restoration

Szováta, Transylvania


Őrbottyán, outskirt

Hotel Birkenhof

Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria

SPAR stores

Kiskunfélegyháza, Dr. Holló Lajos Street 74.
Budapest, IV. Nap Street

ELTE University (Freshman’s Castle)

Budapest VIII., Múzeum Boulevard 4-8.

Üllő sports-court

Üllő, Hungary

Administration of National Pension Insurance

Budapest, VIII., Fiumei Road 19/a.

Hajógyári Island building No.136

Budapest, III. district

Dörgicse holiday house

Dörgicse, Hungary

BILLA shopping center

Mozdony Street, Cegléd, Hungary

FOR BABY wholesale store

Budakeszi, Szőlőskert Street